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The actvity, started in 1991 by Anna and Stefano, still remains a point of reference for locals, venetians as well as for tourists in love with Venice. 
After 30 years of activity we still are a fixed point for our loyal customers, whom we always thanks.


from 9 am to 7 pm in the most affluent months

during the other months check the time displayed in the store or contact us

This business, started in 1991 by Anna and Stefano, still remain a point of reference

for locals, venetians as well as for tourist in love with Venice.
After 30 years of activit we still are a staple for our loyal costumers,

that we always thanks.

Nothing compares to the simple pleasure of a bicycle ride

John Fitzgerald Kennedy


You don't stop pedaling when you get older, you get older when you stop pedaling

- anonimo


A country is developed not when the poor own cars, but when the rich use bicycles and public transportation

-Gustavo Petra

Dove siamo
Schermata 2019-11-30 alle 10.00.46.png

Piazzale S. M. Elisabetta 2a - 30126 Lido Venezia (VE)

Noleggio & prenotazioni

Single bike price list

Double bike price list

1 hour/1 hour 30 min.

5,00 euro

1 hour

8,00 euro

3 hours

8,00 euro

2 hours

8.00 euro

over 3 hours until the shop closes

10,00 euro

All day

30.00 euro

13,00 euro

Return after closing time within 9 pm

Vendita & riparazioni

City donna monotubo uniq@


City uomo uniq@


City donna uniq@


accessorizes and spare parts

Muro accessori.jpg

Telephone number: 0412760005
Mobile number: 3396823387

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